Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why We Work Here... For Mario

Mario is a past resident who recently came in contact with Ettie Lee again...

My name is Mario Camarillo and I use to be a resident in about five of your
homes…one of them was the Azusa home. You could say that I was a
handful. I remember lots of times I had in the homes and as I think about
it, it was really fun. I didn’t realize it then but the homes really
helped me as a young man. I have made some detours but I am grateful for
the homes and I look at my life now and I can say that at 34 I am a great man
who is a worship leader at my church. I don’t think anyone can forget
about me…I’m the one who gave them all the grey hair. But what I really
want to say is Thank you and God Bless.