Monday, March 29, 2010

Why We Work Here... For Jorge*

Jorge* was 5 years old when he was placed in a foster home after experiencing trauma in his family. After one month in foster care, Ettie Lee was able to place him in kinship care (under the care of a relative instead of being in foster care).

The Ettie Lee therapist who cared for him reports that he hated being left alone. When left alone, he became very fearful and would search the home yelling for anyone to come to his call. Even after an adult responded, the family had a difficult time consoling him during these moments. Jorge also struggled to listen when asked to do chores or follow directions.

A little after a year of therapeutic service, Jorge is thriving in kinship care – both at home and in school. Jorge has not only overcome his fear of being left alone, he now describes what it felt like when he didn’t think anyone was there for him. He listens when asked to do his chores, follows directions and, has met his therapeutic goals. He also has received many awards, including student of the month.

*Name changed to protect youth's identity

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